Amar Homeo

Homeopathy - Amar Homeo

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What is Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine developed in the late 18th century by German physician Samuel Hahnemann. It is based on the principle of “like cures like” – that is, a substance that causes certain symptoms can also be used to treat those same symptoms. Homoeopathic remedies are prepared by diluting a chosen substance in water or alcohol and then vigorously shaking it. This process, known as potentization, is believed to increase the healing properties of the remedy.

Inner Strength and Harmony.

 The well-established tenet that the body has its own innate ability to heal is the foundation of the medical science of homeopathy. Every organ and body part functions harmoniously in a healthy body, similar to an efficient machine.  When there is a physical condition like an infection or injury, along with significant mental stress or shock, the body’s harmony is disrupted, and the instability and imbalance manifests as symptoms.

 The internal doctor.

We all know that our bodies do a great job of taking care of indispositions and minor affections because they are treated by the doctor that resides inside of us. For e. G. We don’t need any medical attention for a minor cut on our finger; it bleeds initially, then stops bleeding as the blood clots. On the other hand, if the wound is very large, it requires an external aid, such as some stitches or drugs that aid our bodies in healing. Similar to how a broken bone will naturally mend after being properly treated without the need for treatment, When we are ill, our internal doctor helps to heal and guide us. We are aware of the fighting ability of white blood cells in this context, which protects our body from external maladies.

 Extra Healing Power Is Needed.

 The relative disturbance to the human system increases when the disrupting cause is more severe. At that point, the body is unable to recover on its own, and illness manifests as signs and symptoms.

Homeopathy is the only medical science that works on the principle that our body constantly makes effort to maintain and re-establish the internal stability.  So when the body is in a state of sickness, Homeopathic medicines gently provide stimulation to the immune system of our body and help to fight the disease out of our body.

 Going to the Root of the Trouble.

Homeopathy treats you as an individual and not just your diseased parts independently.  Unlike other medical sciences, homeopathy does not treat on the name of the disease but it looks for the cause, the root of the disease.  When the cause is removed, the disease automatically goes away.

 Gentle Treatment with Natural Medicines.

All Homeopathic medicines are prepared largely from naturally occurring substances – plant kingdom, mineral kingdom and animal kingdom.  Each medicine is thoroughly proved on healthy human beings to get the most accurate remedy picture.

 More than 3000 homeopathic medicines are currently in use and new homeopathic medicines are regularly researched and proved.  Homeopathic medicines do not have any side effects, the reason being that the medicine is prescribed in minimum dose which is enough to bring about relief.

 Here, our body needs an external force which will aid the body to recover and this is where Homeopathy steps in.  It strengthens the immune system (that guards our body) and helps the system to fight back and recover faster.


 Homeopathic Medicine’s Purpose.  As a serious substitute for traditional medicine, we are promoting homoeopathy. We primarily focus on illnesses that present significant challenges to the medical community. Both acute and chronic diseases respond well to homoeopathic medicine. Therefore, we view it as a challenge to treat everything from a simple cold to a complex cancer with a very high degree of success. Many people and families who had completely lost hope due to their illnesses have had their lives changed by homoeopathy. We have consistently made an effort to live up to our clients’ hopes and expectations, and we are self-assured enough to know that we will never let them down. In the instances where homoeopathy should be considered as a form of treatment, we have listed a few.


  •   Those who want to live longer and have a better quality of life.
  •   Nearly 95% of people who want to avoid surgery.
  •   People who believe that the conventional medicine that is readily available to them is insufficient to treat your condition.
  •   Those seeking painless medical care.
  •   Those who want to receive treatment without side effects.
  •   Patients whose medical condition does not respond well to conventional treatment.
  •   Those who want to strengthen their defenses.
  •   Using the online treatment facility GLOBAL CONNECT, those who want to receive top-notch care at home from anywhere in the world.
  • Have the most affordable healthcare costs per capita.



 » Patients typically receive homoeopathic medications from our clinics. Dispensing is required because there are a few combinations and permutations that cannot be prescribed using the traditional medical model.  » Keep the medication away from smelly items in a cool, dry location that is also dark and quiet.

 » Prevent medicines from being exposed to direct sunlight.

 » You can use these medications now. Even though homoeopathic medicines typically have no expiration date, it is still advised to use freshly prepared medications.

 » Refrain from eating right before or right after taking the medication. When the mouth is free from the effects of tobacco, garlic, onion, ginger, cigarettes, pan, gutka, minty tooth paste, camphor, coffee, or any other strongly flavored items, it should be dissolved on a clean tongue.

 » THE HALF-AN-HOUR RULE: It is recommended that you wait 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything after taking a homeopathic remedy. Avoid drinking water right away after taking a homeopathic remedy.

 » Steer clear of overly sour foods and drinks. Don’t eat raw onions or garlic either. Homeopathic medicines’ effectiveness is hampered by extremely potent flavors of any kind that linger in the mouth. The effects of the homeopathic medicine will be hampered by regular consumption of any food or drink that leaves a persistent flavor in your mouth.

 » If you must touch the globules, use only clean hands. They should be dropped into the mouth after being tipped into a clean piece of paper or a container cap.

 » Strong odors in the space where the medications are kept, the use of strong perfumes, the use of potent-smelling oils and ointments to relieve pain, etc. While doing so has been demonstrated to reduce the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines. Please do not.

 » Tablets or globules should not be swallowed whole; instead, they should be chewed or sucked for the best absorption. Pour the drops you are taking into a spoon or a glass that has a small amount of the purest water you can find as you take them. Take a few seconds to chew on this obtained solution before swallowing.

 » Adhere strictly to the prescribed treatment plan. The medications must be taken individually, in a specific order, and at specific intervals as directed or as described during medication dispensing at the clinics. If you have any questions, please ask the Clinic how to take the medication.

 Taken on an empty stomach, homeopathic medications are most effective.


 The following forms and packages are what we typically dispense medications in at our clinic.

 Globules (round, white pills) are delivered in half-, one-, and two-dram plastic bottles.

 Biochemical tablets are delivered in 15 and 30 ml plastic bottles.

 Plastic bottles containing 15 and 30 ml of biocombination tablets are available.

 Mother tinctures are offered in 15 and 30 ml plastic dropper bottles.

 In plastic dropper bottles measuring 15 and 30 ml, dilutions are provided.

 Diskettes are packaged in 15- and 30-ml plastic bottles.


 Globules: Typically, one dose consists of 3 pills. If the globule size differs from the standard size, the number of pills to be taken must be specified during dispensing. Globules should be dropped into the mouth after being placed on clean paper or the container cap. Instead of swallowing them whole, they should be chewed or sucked.

 A dose of a biochemical tablet typically consists of three pills. The number of tablets to be taken must be specified during dispensing if the tablet’s size differs from the standard size. Tablets should be dropped into the mouth after being placed on a piece of clean paper or the cap of a container. Instead of being swallowed whole, they ought to be chewed or sucked.

 Three pills typically make up a dose of a bio-combination tablet. The number of tablets to be taken must be specified during dispensing if the tablet size differs from the standard size. Tablets should be dropped into the mouth after being placed on a piece of clean paper or the cap of a container. Instead of swallowing them whole, they should be chewed or sucked.

 An average dose of mother tincture (colored liquid) is 15 drops. The number of drops to be taken must be specified during dispensing if there is a change in the dosage. To consume mother tincture, mix it with half a cup of regular water. It is advised to hold the liquid in the mouth for 15 to 30 seconds prior to consumption in order to enhance its action. A few mother tinctures are also recommended for external application; these can be applied either directly or in combination with oil or Vaseline.

 Dilutions (clear liquid): A dose typically requires 15 drops of the liquid. During dispensing, the number of drops to be taken must be specified if there is any change in the dosage. 

Diskette: A dose is typically made up of 2 tablets. The number of tablets to be taken must be specified during dispensing if the tablet’s size differs from the standard size.


  • Store the medication away from odor-causing objects in a cool, dark, and dry area. Avoid exposing your medication to magnets, direct sunlight, or strong aromatic odors like camphor, solvents, paint, and chemicals.
  • When taking the medication, avoid eating right before or right after. When the mouth is free of any other strongly flavored items like tobacco, garlic, onion, ginger, cigarettes, pans, gutka, minty tooth paste, camphor, coffee, etc., it should be dissolved on a clean tongue. Medicine’s ability to work may be hampered by strong tastes or odors.
  • The half-hour rule states that nothing should be consumed for half an hour before and after taking medications. This means that if you want to take medicine at eight o’clock, you must abstain from food and drink from seven thirty to eight, take the medication at eight, and then wait until eight thirty before eating or drinking. Only water is an exception to this rule. After taking the medications for five minutes or less, you are allowed to drink water.
  • Once you are adhering to the half-hour rule, you can eat raw onion, garlic, ginger, and other strongly smelling foods alongside homeopathic medicines.
  • The idea that drugs with the ability to arouse similar affections can treat disease was put forth as a rational explanation. Due to this, a hypothesis was created, which later developed into a thesis.
  • In the event that you’ve just handled something with a strong smell, refrain from touching the medication with your hands. If you must, use only clean hands to touch the globules. To prevent contaminating the medicine, they should be dropped into the mouth via the container cap, clean paper, or a clean spoon.
  • Tablets or globules need to be chewed or sucked, not swallowed whole, to achieve the best absorption. Pour the drops you are taking into a spoon or a glass that has some water in it, preferably as pure as possible. For a few seconds, keep the obtained solution in your mouth before swallowing.

 Strictly adhere to the prescribed treatment plan.


  • Before taking any new medications or other homeopathic remedies while receiving homeopathic treatment for a chronic illness, it is best to let your homeopath know. A first aid or emergency situation is an exception to this rule; in these circumstances, you should act as necessary right away and then dial your practitioner.

 When your luggage passes through the airport x-ray machine, hand the attendant your homeopathic medications if you are carrying them.

 Homeopaths have observed time and time again that certain things or influences can disturb the vital force, interfering with the effects of the homeopathic medicine. Antidoteing is the term for this phenomenon. When antidoting occurs, the treatment’s curative effects will end, either temporarily or permanently, and your symptoms will partially or totally return. Either a sudden or gradual relapse may occur. These substances disrupt the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies for reasons that are unknown. If you are particularly sensitive to the substance or the effect of the exposure is strong enough to affect your vital force, antidoting may occur at any time, even two years after a remedy has been given.

 According to many homeopathic doctors, drinking coffee will have a negative impact on the care of about 60% of their patients. Until the treatment has been successful, your homeopath may advise that you completely avoid coffee or may say nothing at all.

 These are the recommendations we offer to our patients based on our own clinical expertise. The most crucial thing in this situation is that you adhere to your homeopath’s recommendations.

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